Fall Semester 2023

Course Selection Schedule

1. Course Selection Schedule
(1)Pre-selection (Current students) : 2023/05/30 Tue. 09:00 ~ 2023/06/08 Thu. 17:00 ---- Online 24 hours.
(2)Pre-selection (Freshmen、Transfer and Resumption student) : 2023/08/29 Tue. 09:00 ~ 2023/08/31 Thu. 17:00 ---- Online 24 hours.
(3)Priority Preference Registration : 2023/09/05 Tue. 09:00 ~ 2023/09/07 Thu. 17:00 ---- Online 24 hours.
(4)Courses Add / Drop : 2023/09/11 Mon. 12:10 ~ 2023/09/20 Wed. 13:00 ---- Online 24 hours
(5)Course Selection List Confirmation & Final Corrections : 2023/09/27 Wed. 09:00 ~ 2023/10/04 Wed 17:00 ---- Online 24 hours
(6) Tuition Fee for Extended Studies Students : 2023/09/27 Wed. 09:00 ~ 2023/10/04 Wed 17:00 ---- Online 24 hours
(7) Course Withdrawal : 2023/10/11 Wed. 09:00 ~ 2023/12/01 Fri. 17:00 ---- Online 24 hours
2. Click URL:TMU Academic Affairs Information System URL: https://newacademic.tmu.edu.tw/
3.Please feel free to contact curriculum section for further questions.