Ph.D. Program in Global Health and Health Security
Master Program in Global Health and Health Security
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Ph.D. Program in Global Health and Health Security
Master Program in Global Health and Health Security
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Job Vacancy: Tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor
You can find the details at this link: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/fTZZJwvvoYVF1qd9/
Congratulations to Dr. Utoomporn Wongsin!
We sincerely congratulate Utoomporn Wongsin, alumnus of our program, on becoming a lecturer in the department of Public Health and Administration, Faculty of Public Health at Mahidol University, Thailand
Rural Health in the Tayal Tribe
Walking Workshop
Master & Ph.D.
-International students-
Independent Monitoring Mechanism for the Pandemic Accord|Accountability for a safer world
In the days ahead and as the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body preparesfor its third meeting and contemplates a new conceptual zero draft, this Spark Street Advisors report will be published in collaboration with
the UN University International Institute for Global Health.The report and proposal are the result of our analysis of monitoring approaches to relevant international treaties, literature reviews, and in-depth interviews and inputs from 40 experts from around the world, including Prof. Feng-Jen Tsai.
Important announcement for new students!
Program Features
Our program focuses on one hand on infectious disease control as a core issue of health security, and on the other hand on the impact of global policy on chronic disease. In particular, we have adopted quantitative and qualitative approaches to analyze issues related to the 2005 International Health Regulations for infectious disease control, as well as problems tackled by the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Elements of AI technology are also incorporated in our research activity, as analysis and solution tools. Our team is international and strongly interdisciplinary, the areas of expertise of our faculty members including medicine, public health, health management, pharmacy, law, environmental health, data science, big data, and international health security.
Our courses are fully taught in English and aim at providing both theoretical and practical training, in order to guide our students through the complexity of the international health management system and norms, to make them critically understand the magnitude of cross-country differences in terms of health development, to gain a deeper understanding of the main issues related to global health policy development, and ultimately to acquire professional knowledge in global health. We believe our students one day can become successful professionals and even leaders in global health.
Social concerns and humanity
Professional knowledge in global health
Critical thinking and systematic integrating research skills
Critical thinking and systematic integrating research skills

10F Biomedical Technology Building, No.301, Yuantong Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235, Taiwan R.O.C.
latest update: 5 March 2025